2022 was a busy year for Dovestone WI with interesting speakers, walks, meals and trips out, theatre visits and craft activities,culminating with the Dovestone WI Christmas Markets at Saddleworth Rangers which raisied funds for Oldham Mountain Rescue Team.
On Wednesday 25th January, the first meeting of Dovestone WI will take place where attendees can participate in the annual quiz.
The walking group, formed in 2022, has proved a great success with lovely walks which always includes lunch or coffee and cake. This year there will be one organised walk per month. Details posted on the website: https://www.dovestonewi.com/
Our Monday Meet Up takes place on the 1st Monday of each month at the Vale, Mossley. The Book Club meet between 7pm-8pm followed by The Dovestone Divas, the informal Singing Group from 8pm-9pm or you can just come along for a chat, a cuppa and cake.
There is a £2 entrance charge for all with unlimited tea,coffee and cake There is also a small charge for craft materials.
The monthly Members’ meeting takes place on the last Wednesday of each month in the Wimberry Suite at The Royal George Manchester Road,Greenfield at 7.30 pm with registration from 7 pm.
Guests and new members from all areas are very welcome. It is a £1 per meeting for members and £3 for guests.
Further information on all events,crafts,speakers and planned outings can be found on facebook, Instagram @Dovestone_wi and website www.dovestonewi.com