Apple Day blossoms in Kilngreen: Tree planted in memory of Duncan and Nancy Rhodes

AN OLD tradition was rekindled in Kilngreen with a special Apple Day – as well as planting a tree in memory of the late beloved Reverend Duncan Rhodes and his wife Nancy.

Apple Days used to take place at harvest time in autumn to celebrate the abundance of the fruit.

Kilngreen Church welcomed the community in for their free event in March which included apple themed games and quizzes, craft activities, and apple pie and cider for the adults.

Nancy and Duncan Rhodes at Noda conference in 1970

A collection was taken for the Red Cross appeal to help Ukraine and £170 was raised during the afternoon.

The occasion was also a good opportunity to plant a tree in memory of the Rev Rhodes and his wife who were an important part of the village.

Rev Rhodes was the Ordained Local Minister at Kilngreen for 24 years and was born and brought up in the village.

He settled there when he married Nancy and their three children – Rachel, Abigail and Simeon – were all born in Diggle.

Abigail and Simeon and the couple’s grandson Thomas attended the short service to give thanks for the lives of the couple, led by Rev Hilary Edgerton.

An apple tree was planted in their memory and Abigail thanked everyone for the tribute to their parents.