Beech House students celebrate stellar exam results

STUDENTS are Beech House School in Rochdale are celebrating stellar GCSE results.

This year, pupils sat multiple assessments in school, which were marked and graded by their teachers, instead of their final GCSE exams in the summer term.

There was success all round as all students obtained a pass grade in English and Mathematics, with 88 per cent achieving grade 5 and above in English and 69 per cent obtaining a grade 5 or above in Mathematics.

Charlotte Higginson, Sophie Wilkinson and Samina Rashid

Head Girl Sophie Wilkinson achieved ten grade 9s and Charlotte Higginson was awarded seven grade 9s while Head Boy Joshua Scotti, Jude Clarke, Gabriella Joicey, and Ateeq Ur-Rahman all received three grade 9s.

Jillian Street, Headteacher of the Upper Prep and Seniors, said: “Congratulations to all of our Year 11s for working so hard in what has been a difficult year.

“We wish them all the best for the future.”

Joshua Scotti, Jude Clarke and Ateeq Ur-Rahman