WHETHER you are green fingered or a bake off want-to-be, Denshaw has it all as Saturday, September 1 sees the return of the village’s popular flower and home produce show.

The vast array of categories to enter include flowers, house plants, vegetables, jams, cakes and more, with trophies and prizes awarded to the winners.
This year also sees the return of the scarecrow competition that proved such a popular addition in 2017.
As always there are children’s classes so if you are at a loose end with how to keep the kids occupied for the last week of the summer holidays, this is the ideal.
Entries must be dropped off at the Village Hall between 91.5am and 12.30pm on the day, with judging taking place from 12.30pm-until 3.15pm.
For those that do not want to enter but just enjoy the day, everyone is welcome at the Village Hall from 3.15pm onwards to view the show.
At 4pm is the now-famous prize giving and auction when you have the chance to bid to take home a bunch of prize-winning blooms or a cake.
David Wheeler, show committee member, said to the Independent: “The good weather we have enjoyed this summer could, we hope, make for an excellent show in the flowers section.
“We are just hoping that the vegetables will be able to be ready come show day.”
Anyone wishing for further information or a list of the classes please visit the Den Shaw (Denshaw Flower Show) Facebook page.
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