Breakey and Nuttall lend helping hand in RSPCA £50,000 fundraising challenge

By Rowan Liptrot

Breakey & Nuttall, top local surveyors and property advisers, are backing the RSPCA in their mammoth challenge to raise a £50,000 shortfall for a new animal centre.

3085 BN RSPCA A4 PromoThe Centre had to relocate from their Rhodes Bank site due to the redevelopment of the town centre and their new home in the Strinsedale Country Park needs to be completely renovated.

Local construction company Emmanuel Whittaker commenced work on the new animal centre in February 2015 after some funds were raised.

But with a £50,000 shortfall, the first phase of the work can not be completed.

The RSPCA has secured temporary offices in the interim but this has significantly reduced their accommodation for cats and dogs, and their abilities to offer some of their services.

This issue has touched the hearts of staff at Breakey & Nuttall and its Head of Department, Glen Drake-Owen was keen to do something to help the RSPCA.

He said: “When I visited them recently and was chatting to the local area manager about some of the cases they deal with, it literally made me cry!

“We have a cat at home and my colleagues all have pets, and I am a major animal lover, so it was so upsetting. When I came back to the office and discussed it, we decided we had to help.”

Breakey & Nuttall have sponsored a dog home at the Centre for £500 and have created a leaflet explaining how other people can contribute.

Supportors can sponsor a cat kennel for £250 or a dog kennel for £500, can donate items to one of the RSPCA shops, or through their Just Giving donations page.

Glenn added: “The RSPCA local branch are responsible for their own fundraising as if someone gives money to the main charity, it is not guaranteed to reach a local branch.

“We’ll be coming up with fundraising ideas and we have one or two things planned, and will be encouraging all our contacts to think of ways to raise money for this charity.”

Find out more or make a donation online:

For more information on Breakey & Nuttall, visit their website:


One Reply to “Breakey and Nuttall lend helping hand in RSPCA £50,000 fundraising challenge”

  1. If Mr Drake-Owen is truly an animal lover, some of the cases of neglect and abuse of animal lovers and their animals committed by the rspca would make him cry, too. Many of the rspca’s prosecutions are fraudulent. The rspca routinely seize animals unjustifiably and illegally, and bring fabricated charges against their loving owners. These animals often suffer terribly in rspca custody.

    This rspca centre will take animals brought in by rspca inspectors, irrespective of whether or not they have been wrongfully taken. Any real animal lover would certainly be more than upset by the havoc and devastation caused by the rspca. Raising money for the rspca is seriously misguided and will not do any good at all for animals.

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