Council taxes in Oldham frozen for second year

COUNCIL TAX in Oldham has been frozen for the second year – despite pressures for the local authority to save around £65million by 2017.

The decision was announced as part of the council’s 2015/16 budget which was approved last month.

Saddleworth Parish Council has also decided to freeze their council tax precept once more, seeing taxes remain the same for residents.

Cllr Jim McMahon, Oldham Council leader, said: “This has been a very difficult five years for Oldham Council.

“It would be fair to say most of the public have not noticed the impact though on front-line services the council delivers.”

Oldham Council has to find £35million in savings during the next financial year and has already made savings of £141 million since 2009.

Cuts have been made to budgets including the Economy and Skills, Neighbourhood Services, Youth Services, and Legal and Democratic Services.

To watch the short video and join in the Budget Conversation visit Oldham Council’s website.