Delph Band host Race Night on road to National Championships

EXCITING FUNDRAISING events will be held by Delph Band over the coming months to help raise money to get them to the National Brass Band Championships.

The band has qualified to compete in the Championships in Cheltenham in September but needs some extra funds to secure their trip there.

The first major event is a Race Night at Delph Band Club on Saturday, July 15, with the first race is at 8pm.

Horses cost £2 and the winning horse owners of each race will win a prize. You can sponsor a race for £25 and name both the race and all the horses in it.

They have also two concerts for audiences to enjoy with the first on Saturday, June 3 at Our Lady’s Church, Moorside at 8.15pm, which will be a joint concert with the Flora-Bremanger Brass Band from Western Norway. Tickets are £5 and £3 concessions.

Then on Sunday, June 11 is a joint concert with the Tanunda Town Band, who are visiting from Australia, at Delph Band Club at 8pm, free entry.

If you would like to buy a horse, sponsor a race or purchase concert tickets email the band at: or via Facebook or Twitter @DelphBand 

All future fundraising events and concerts will be advertised online: