Delve into history of local women in peace crusade

THE fascinating stories of some of the unknown local women who led campaigns for suffrage and peace during the First World War will be uncovered at a special talk this month.


The Womens Peace Crusade is part of Saddleworth Peace Group

‘The Women’s Peace Crusade’ is a Saddleworth Peace group event on Saturday, May 19, with the talk to be given by local feminist historian Dr Ali Ronan.

The talk will be at Uppermill Library from 11am-12.30pm, and it is free to attend and all are welcome.

From 1916, particularly after the battle of the Somme, until the end of the war a women’s peace crusade movement spread across the country, sweeping through Oldham and the surrounding area in the summer of 1917.

Research – by Ali and a large team of researchers – has uncovered many ‘ordinary’ crusaders, the local and ‘unheard’ women whose stories had previously been hidden from history.

Their stories are now recorded in a film and in a book – The Women’s Peace Crusade 1917 – 1918: Crusading Women in Manchester and East Lancashire – which will be available to buy at the event.

Ali and some of the other researchers on the team will speak about the making of the film, their research, and will tell some of the stories uncovered about the local activists and conscientious objectors in our area.

There will also be a chance to look at archival and research material and to talk to the researchers.

Saddleworth Peace Group is a local secular group which aims to promote and support peace at community and global level.

For more information find them on Facebook or email: