Discussing arts and culture in Oldham over chips

OLDHAM Coliseum Theatre is launching monthly meet ups for audiences, participants and the local community to discuss arts and culture over the nation’s favourite snack.

Open to anyone, Culture and Chips is a space to discuss what you’d like to see and how the Coliseum can best serve the community in the future.

Each month the theatre will invite guests from Oldham and beyond to talk about their practice, connection to the borough and vision for the future.

Three questions will form the basis of each meet up and topics will be set by the attendees, with open space to talk more broadly.

When it is safe to hold meetings in person, the Coliseum will provide chips for the meet ups to boost the relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.

While under covid-19 restrictions, the meet ups will take place virtually over Zoom and attendees are encouraged to have chips for their own enjoyment.

The first Culture and Chips meet up at on Wednesday, December 16 at 5pm virtually via Zoom. Tickets are free but must be booked via the Coliseum website: www.coliseum.org.uk