Enjoy Easter Sunday treat of top quality comedy in aid of Pennine Mencap

A NIGHT of top quality stand-up comedy will be delivered on Easter Sunday, April 5, as Off The Rails Comedy Club puts on an event in aid of local disability charity Pennine Mencap.

Comedian Profile Pic - Martin Mor
COMEDIAN: Martin Mor

The Royal George in Greenfield will play host to three top comedians for this fundraiser – including the owner of the most magnificent beard in comedy, Northern Irish giant Martin Mor.

A surreal, globe-trotting performer of rare pedigree, Martin is one of the few acts who can claim to have performed on Radio 4′s ‘Woman’s Hour’ as well as in an Italian prison.

The line-up also features Gavin Webster, who was recently awarded the ‘Comedian’s Comedian’ award, voted the UK’s top stand-up by 175 of his peers.

With hard-edged routines, quick-fire pastiches, moronic jokes and sardonic songs, Gavin’s unique style has brought him growing praise and attention.

Compered by MC Rob Riley and also featuring Manchester’s own Jay Hampson, the bill is sure to coax plenty of laughs out of the audience.

All profits go to support Pennine Mencap, which provides unique opportunities for people with learning disabilities, autism and/or mental health difficulties to participate in a wide range of creative, social and performing arts projects.

Elliot Sparks, chair of Pennine Mencap, said: “Our charity is experiencing an upsurge in demand for our services at the moment, in particular our confidence building workshops.

“We rely on donations and really need the support of the community at events like this to help us meet the demands we are facing to provide additional workshops and courses for vulnerable adults.”

The show will be held on Easter Sunday, April 5 at The Royal George on Manchester Road, Greenfield, where there is plenty of parking.

Doors open at 7:30pm and the show starts at 8pm. Tickets are available in advance for £10 (£12 on the door) via www.saddleworthcomedy.co.uk or by calling 07874 152338.

Tickets can also be purchased over the bar at the Royal or from Pennine Mencap’s office.

To find out more about Pennine Mencap and what they office, visit their Facebook page.

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