AN APPLICATION has been submitted for permission to form a track for maintenance vehicles to access a golf course once enjoyed by corporate executives.
The route through woodland at Hollyville off Holmfirth Road, Greenfield would be 44 metres long (144 feet), include a new turning circle and result in the removal of eight trees.

The proposed development is within a designated green belt location. Hollyville was previously the corporate offices of Slumberland bedding group before conversion into apartments in 2003.
A supporting document on behalf of applicant Nicholas Cotterill-Waring says: “The access track is of a limited length and width and is constructed in materials suitable for its Green Belt location as well as being constructed using a cellular confinement system to ensure the future survival of nearby trees.

“The access track will allow easier access for maintenance equipment to manage the adjoining golf course.
“The access track will be screened by mature tree planting, vegetation and additional trees will be planted to further screen and enhance the site.
“Bird and bat boxes are to be installed as part of ecological mitigation. The access track and associated works has limited impact both spatially and visually on the openness of the Green Belt and would therefore be appropriate development.”
If the application receives approval from Oldham Council planners, it includes provision for the planting of three trees for each one removed.
To view the application, using reference FUL/348116/21, visit
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