Grace steps up to help veterans again

AFTER getting a taste for bringing community cheer by making Remembrance cupcakes for veterans, cadet Grace Whalley is now recruiting her family to help with her next project.

With Remembrance parades and events cancelled last November due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Grace, 14, was determined to still help local veterans mark the occasion.

After an appeal to the community for help, she amassed more than 200 cupcakes, each decorated with a red poppy, along with donations of £50 for wreaths and cake boxes.

Grace handing out the cupcakes in Uppermill (Pic: David Whalley)

Grace, who is a cadet with 2200 Oldham Squadron Air Cadets, delivered the cupcakes to veterans to show people still remember and respect what they did for this country.

They were delivered at spots including Millfield Care Home in Waterhead, the memorial in Uppermill on Remembrance Sunday and Salford Armed Forces Breakfast Club.

Her efforts earned her a Squadron Commander’s Commendation and praised from commanding officer Flight Lieutenant JSD Lord.

He wrote to her: “It fills me with great pride that, even without the usual guidance from the Squadron, you have volunteered to support your community in this way.

“I am very proud to have Cadets like you on my squadron and I would like to add my own personal thanks for organising your campaign.”

Now, Grace is launching into yet more projects to raise funds and lift community spirit.

She will be joined by her family for a sponsored 50km walk over three weeks, starting from March 1.

They will also be doing a big raffle, with all the money raised going towards making Easter afternoon tea hampers to deliver to some of the local care homes on Easter Sunday.

And they will also drop off Easter eggs for veterans who are living alone to spread some cheer, especially during the pandemic.

If anyone wants to do the walk or run with your own family to raise money for the cause, or donate Easter eggs, get in touch via their Facebook page:
or email Alison Clowes, Saddleworth RBL Saddleworth branch vice chairman:

Please also get in touch if you know of any veterans or care homes that would like to receive an Easter egg or hamper.

Sponsorship donations for the walk can be made online: