Have your say on train services at Greenfield

SADDLEWORTH has the opportunity to have a half-hourly train service at Greenfield station – but it needs community support to make it happen, say rail campaigners.

For more than ten years Greenfield Rail Action Group has been campaigning for an all-day, half-hourly service at the station, along with other improvements.

Although there has recently been a big upgrade in the rolling stock, the frequency of trains has remained at just one per hour outside of the morning and evening weekday peak periods.

Greenfield Train station

But now the ‘Manchester Recovery Task Force Consultation’ launched by the Department for Transport invites the public to have their say on further changes.

The consultation aims to improve much of the chaos caused by the controversial May 2018 timetable change that affected train services locally and across the whole of the north of England.

The 35-page report presents options A, B and C for the public to consider and choose between.
Mark Ashmore, chair of the Greenfield Rail Action Group: said: “We now have an opportunity to get the train service that Saddleworth deserves.

“I urge individuals and community groups to respond by sending their submissions, giving their reasons for supporting Option C to performancerecoverytaskforce@dft.gov.uk by March 10.

“Option C would give Greenfield a half-hourly service throughout the day to Manchester and Huddersfield and an hourly train to Leeds.

“This would be achieved by having the current Hull train stopping at Greenfield throughout the day.

“Option C would also provide for a half-hourly service from Stalybridge to Southport via Victoria, Salford Central and Salford Crescent.

“Option A is likely to produce the least increase in punctuality and resilience across the rail network and Option C is projected to produce the greatest increase.

“Option C also produces the greater benefits to more of the stations in the Greater Manchester Region than the other two options including Greenfield.”

The full report can be read here: tinyurl.com/45pd42g9

It would be very helpful if you could copy (bcc) in the secretary of the Rail Action Group royce.franklin1@btinternet.com to your submission so the group can gauge the level of support for this initiative.