Kaleemah driven to succeed with her spice business

IT is more than two decades since Geri, Baby, Scary, Sporty and Posh urged people to Spice Up Your Life.

Kaleemah Miah

Kaleemah Miah has been doing just that across her adopted Oldham community since 2017.

Sourcing raw materials for her Spice Drive business from Madagascar to Russia, America to Vietnam, Kaleema is also doing it organically and environmentally friendly.

But it has taken plenty of drive and determination to ensure her dream continues to be reality.

In 2018, Kaleemah was diagnosed with cancer and underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

To celebrate ringing the bell at The Christie Hospital to mark the end of her treatment, she undertook a charity skydive.Now, during the current health pandemic, Kaleemah is temporarily back where she started – in the kitchen at home.

“Last month, I took over a unit at the Falcon Enterprise Centre in Chadderton but obviously that cannot open just yet,” she explained.

“So, really I am just prepping things for that and preparing for a new norm.

“I started my business from my kitchen so I have adapted back here quite easily,” added the mum-of-one cheerfully.

“Besides, I wanted to set up this particular business in 2011 when I moved to Oldham. As it was, I only launched in 2017.

“But those intervening years gave me chance to define what I actually wanted to achieve and what I thought would benefit Oldham.

“There were plenty of places to buy spices but very few outlets selling organic.”At the forefront of Kaleemah’s business model is supplying organic, dry spices and herbs.

“That is non-negotiable. Everything is also supplied plastic free to ensure as near a zero-waste kitchen as possible so working with paper, glass, cardboard,” she said.

“I want clients to receive a hassle-free shopping and gifts experience that matches the recycling facilities Oldham provides.”

Kaleemah’s mouth-watering range also has the benefit of longevity.

“I want to get a message out there that people can eat quality foods. And if you look after it, it can last and you can afford it,” she said.

Kaleema’s spice shipments are ground and blended at home exclusively for the UK market.

“Turmeric has always been popular and a good seller; mild curry and cinnamon also do well,” she explained.

“Despite all the setbacks, Spice Drive has come a long way and I see it going further in so many ways in the future.”

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