LOCAL comedian Brennan Reece will not have far to travel for his latest gig, which will raise money for CRIBS International.
For he lives just down the road from Greenfield’s The Royal George, where he headlines the latest Off The Rails comedy club event.
And the show on Saturday, September 2 will have a serious meaning as well as plenty of laughs as it will help the charity, which was established in Springhead.

Having appeared on everything from BBC’s Live At The Apollo to E4’s Celebrity Coach Trip, Brennan is now touring in his own right.
And he is not afraid to make local references as his cheeky, chirpy interactive style makes him the perfect compere.
Brennan will appear alongside Bethany Black, described as ‘Britain’s only goth, lesbian, transsexual comedian’ and ‘Coventry’s funniest half Sri Lankan’ Stella Graham.
Tickets for the event, which starts at 8.30pm and contains ‘proper swearing,’ cost £16.50 and can be bought via https://www.wegottickets.com/event/586797.
For further information, you can find the event on Facebook at https://facebook.com/events/s/off-the-rails-comedy-club-sadd/718834000048041/.
Off The Rails is on X at @OL3comedyclub and Instagram at @comedyinavan.
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