MPs to host support webinar for community and voluntary organisations in Saddleworth and Oldham

LOCAL MPs Debbie Abrahams and Jim McMahon are hosting an online support session for community and voluntary sector organisations based in Saddleworth and Oldham.

The session will take place on Thursday, June 11 starting at 12pm, supported by panel guests Rebekah Sutcliffe (Strategic Director of Reform and Communities, Oldham Council) and Laura Windsor-Welsh (Strategic Locality Lead, Action Together).

They will help to answer any questions organisations and groups may have about support and to listen to concerns about the future needs.

Mrs Abrahams, MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth, said: “My experience as a volunteer while we’ve been in lockdown makes me more aware than ever about the incredible work the voluntary sector has been doing and the fantastic working going on.

“The support that’s been provided has been a lifeline for so many people across Oldham and Saddleworth.

“Now, as we move forward, we need to see how we can better support our voluntary sector. Jim and I are determined to do everything we can to help.

“This webinar is our way to bring these incredible individuals and organisations together to see where, and how, we can do this.”

Mr McMahon, MP for Oldham West and Royton, added: “We’ve all be blown away by the way the community and voluntary sector has responded to this crisis.

“Debbie and I wanted to host this event so we could say thank you for all the work that has been done in Oldham but also so we could listen to what the sector needs going forward.

“I think for a lot of organisations there are grey areas and gaps in the support available. We can’t let these organisations disappear -they’ve put in a monumental effort for our borough and it’s now our turn to return the favour.”

This support session follows a similar one held in May for more than fifty local businesses to offer help and advice during the coronavirus pandemic.

The panel was made up of the MPs alongside experts from the Business Growth Hub Darren Flannery and Phil Hargreaves, Oldham Council’s Deputy Chief-Executive Helen Lockwood and Chartered Accountant and managing partner of Brandsons Accountants John Townsend.

If your organisation would like to take part in the webinar for community and voluntary sector organisations please RSVP by email to by 12pm on Tuesday, June 9.

One Reply to “MPs to host support webinar for community and voluntary organisations in Saddleworth and Oldham”

  1. Jim McMahon – a low grade politician who has only a few poor grade GCSEs to his name who is at the beck and call of those who control the votes in Oldham. What other walk of life would such an individual be placed in a senior decision making role and Labour make him a shadow cabinet minister. Anyone interested to know what Mr McMahon is really up to in Oldham with his local backers should read Raj Miah’s MBEs website which can be found via Google.

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