GREENFIELD POST Office has been saved from closure and will re-locate to a new facility in the village.

After recent public consultation and months of campaigning led by local councillors Alan Belmore, John McCann and former Mayor of Oldham Richard Knowles, news of the reprieve has now been confirmed.
A date for the switch has yet to be finalised but the current Post Office at 32-34 Chew Valley Road, operated by sub post-mistress, Mandy Gorey, will move to Greenfield newsagents at 125 Chew Valley Road.
The new branch will be open from 5am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, Saturday 5am -3pm and Sunday, 5-1pm.
As part of improved accessibility measures, a handrail, bell and signage will be installed at the entrance while a portable ramp will be available for customers on request.
Suzanne Richardson, Regional Network Manager, said: “We are very aware of the importance a Post Office branch has in in the lives of our customers, particularly for elderly and disabled customers.
“We want to ensure our services are as accessible as possible. Some customers expressed reservations about parking and access and this feedback helped make sure all such information was taken into account before finalising our plans.
“Having reviewed pedestrian and vehicular access to the new site, I am confident the new branch is suitably located.
“The new local style Post Office will operate from two, open plan tills located at the shop counter enabling customers to carry out a wide range of Post Office products and services, including the collection of undeliverable items of mail alongside retail transactions.
“The change also means local residents will benefit from significantly longer opening hours.
“We will be working closely with the new operator on the internal layout and some fixtures and fittings will be re-aligned or removed to make sure there is clear access into the premises.
“The entrance, aisles and the queuing area will be kept free from obstructions with adequate room provided for customers to queue and move around the shop and access Post Office services without difficulty.
“We are currently making the final arrangements for the move and further posters will be provided in branch soon to let customers know the actual date the move will take place.”
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