A FORMER greengrocers and fishmongers in Greenfield could be transformed into four flats if plans submitted to Oldham Council are approved.
The once popular shop on Greenbridge Lane closed in April 2020 after Jill and Jim Stanford called time on their fish, fruit and veg business after nearly 35 years.
A planning application was submitted to Oldham Council by the couple’s daughter Victoria Kilgannon to change it into four one-bedroom flats/apartments with parking underneath and retail space on the ground floor.
However, the application went to appeal as Oldham Council failed to give notice within the prescribed period of a decision.
Inspector R Hitchcock visited the site in August and dismissed the appeal.
He commented in his report: “Notwithstanding that I have found in favour of the appellant in regard to the living conditions of prospective occupiers, the proposal would harm the character and appearance of the area and would conflict with the development plan taken as a whole.”
Now a new planning application has been submitted to Oldham Council by Civitas Planning Limited on behalf of Ms Kilgannon.
It seeks permission for the demolition of the existing vacant retail unit to provide four flats/apartments.
The report says: “The design has been radically changed and demolition is now proposed in order to tie the new building in with the existing roof line and street scene, to address the points made by the Inspector in the Appeal Decision.
“The residential units will each have their own amenity space on private balconies, as well as communal open space. The parking to serve the residential units is located under the building itself as undercroft parking.”
It adds: “Given that the Council and the Inspector gave limited weight to the retention of the retail unit, it is removed as part of this scheme.
“The new build proposal will complement the front of the building which faces onto Greenbridge Lane, whilst also representing modern design.
“In fact, the development will result in a more uniform streetscene along the lane, as opposed to the flat roof one storey development currently occupying the site.”
• See the plans and comment on Oldham Council’s website: https://tinyurl.com/2p8k6m3w until Monday, December 13. A decision is expected by Friday, January 7, 2022.
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