Pupils urged to heed harsh lessons from inhaling unknown e-cigarette substances

PUPILS have been warned of the dangers of substance misuse after a number of Saddleworth School youngsters fell ill after inhaling from an e-cigarette.

Police continue to investigate the incident that led to several members of the Year 11 cohort being hospitalised at the start of their GCSE examinations.

All made a quick and full recovery and staff have confirmed there have been no repeats of the incidents on Monday, May 20.

Headteacher Dave Watson told the Independent: “Since originally going to press we have been working closely with the police.

“Thankfully, all students involved recovered quickly and were back in school for exams the following day.

An assembly was held the same day as the incident with Y11 to inform students of the facts of the incident and warn of the dangers of using such substances while also appealing for further information.

“Assemblies with all year groups took place the following day to warn students about the dangers and consequences of becoming involved in substance misuse in general in or out of school, and specifically about inhaling substances of unknown origin and composition.

“A further intervention is planned involving the community police, with whom we have a close working relationship, and checks and adjustments made to the curriculum to ensure that this remains high profile.

“The school relies on information to track and prevent incidents such as these.

“And following our press release and assemblies with students, people have come forward with further information which has been passed to the police.

“We are also very grateful to parents for the level of support they have given to help us to deal with this.”

Three ambulances were called to the Uppermill facility after pupils reacted to something added to an e-cigarette.

Issuing a statement on the day the School said: “By way of context, we have had to call three ambulances that could have otherwise been responding to genuine medical emergencies and accidents.

“We would call upon everyone in our community to be vigilant and work together to help us track down how this dangerous substance is being distributed to children.”