Saddleworth Singers help Maggie’s Oldham to tune of £1,333.76

 KIND-HEARTED members of Saddleworth Singers ladies choir presented a cheque for £1,333.76 to Maggie’s Oldham after a year of fundraising.The charity is based at a state-of-the-art centre in the grounds of the Royal Oldham Hospital and offers support and advice for anyone affected by cancer.

Tom Hall, fundraising organiser for Maggie’s, thanked the choir for the money, which was raised through raffles, a zumbathon, concerts and other events.

He said: “To put this amount into perspective, it costs £20 to help someone when they walk through the door so this will help a lot of people.”

Meanwhile, Saddleworth Singers are busy rehearing for their next performance when they will be special guests at Saddleworth Male Voice Choir’s concert on Saturday, February 29.

The concert will be held at Christ Church, Friezland, starting at 7.30pm.

Tickets cost £10 and are available from Sylvie Edwards (07776 454440), David Davies (01457 873182) or Maggie’s Oldham.

Proceeds will go to Maggie’s Oldham, which is also the chosen charity of Saddleworth Male Voice Choir for 2019-20.

To find out more about Saddleworth Singers, call Sylvie on 07776 454440. Don’t forget to follow Saddleworth Singers on Facebook: