Saddleworth WI are having a ball fundraising for charities

SADDLEWORTH Women’s Institute are having a ball!

On November 25 the WI is holding a ‘Mad Hatter’s Ball’ at the Saddleworth Hotel, Delph so come along and be entertained by the Queen of Hearts; The White Rabbit; Alice and the Mad Hatter himself.

Take a trip down the rabbit hole for an evening of eating, drinking, dancing, laughing, and perhaps a little more drinking – or it is off with your head!

Everyone welcome. Tickets cost £40 and proceeds will benefit the WI’s chosen three charities for this year: Saddleworth Rangers, Homestart and Oldham Support for Carers of Autism.

Tickets include a welcome ‘drink me’ potion and sumptuous three-course meal. Dress code is black tie or fancy dress, and there will be a prize for the best fancy dress outfit.

Contact 07743 705738 or 07985 938868 to purchase tickets or for further information.


Funky Fitness and Fun show off their mini bus to the WI

Meanwhile, at their August meeting, the WI were delighted to welcome back their 2015 chosen charity, Funky Fitness and Fun, which provides activities for adults with additional needs.

They visited to show off their minibus which they purchased with the help of funds raised by the WI, and which they constantly use for day trips, outings and more.

Next, the guest speaker for their meeting on September 6 will be Sue Burnett with the Anita Roddick Story; how she started the Body Shop 40 years ago, her ethics, beliefs, campaigns, the difference they have made to our planet and the on-going charity work that carries on the legacy she left behind.

The Saddleworth WI meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 8pm at Saddleworth Hotel. Doors open at 7.15pm. New members and guests are always welcome. Further information can be found online: or on their Facebook page.