Step out for GM Walking Festival to help walk 25,000 miles ‘around the world’

PEOPLE are being invited to step out for the very first virtual Greater Manchester Walking Festival this October and help reach 25,000 miles ‘around the world’.

GM Walking have organised the Let’s Walk Festival between October 12-25 and hope participants will sign up and contribute what they can to the overall target.

Those who sign up must log their daily steps, time or distance walked each day during that fortnight and are welcome to incorporate charity fundraisers as part of their efforts.

The free Festival is open to new and experienced walkers and participants of all ages and embraces the many different reasons people love to take part.

So, whether it’s your passion, an excuse to kickstart a new fitness regime or to maintain a sense of personal well-being, the Let’s Walk Festival could be perfect for you.

Want to join in? Simply visit and sign up to the walking activity of your choice, then during the festival fortnight be sure to log your steps, time and/or distance walked.

You’ll enjoy keeping tabs on your own personal goals as well as your contribution to greater Manchester’s overall goal.

For more information visit or email