Uppermill business networking launches with successful event

AN INAUGURAL business networking event received an overwhelmingly positive response when it was held for the first time at Java in Uppermill in January.

The event was organised and fronted by Philip Pearson of Morgan Pearson Ltd, local business advisers to small/medium sized companies.

p17 biz networking launch
Philip Pearson

And Philip, from Delph, revealed the evening was a huge success as over 30 local businesses gathered to share their ideas and experiences.

Philip, 44, said: “The event was a great start in helping local business owners get to know each other, share knowledge and develop trusted relationships which will be crucial for the future.”

Cindy Salisbury, of Chip and Trace (asset security), added: “The world is changing. People’s focus is no longer on chasing big corporate firms, but developing lasting local relationships.

“We all want each other to succeed and grow stronger.”

Philip, who has been part of the Oldham Business Leadership Group and Norman Stoller Enterprise Fund, added he was keen to hold the event at Java as the cafe is a great example of a successful local business.

After such a positive response, the next event is planned for early April and will continue every two or three months.

For more information email Philip at philip@morganpearson.co.uk or call 07715 373910.


2 Replies to “Uppermill business networking launches with successful event”

  1. I am astonished by Mr Pearsons acknowledgement of miss CindySalisbury as a profound and respectable business women ? Unfortunately this individual is a charity fraud and a vat and tax fraud and the owner of a very profitable freelance sex business

  2. Omg at last I am not the first ! This woman almost ruined my life with threats pics and sexual blackmail!!

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