A publican is warning other Saddleworth landlords and businesses to be alert after an attempted burglary at his Greenfield pub.
Scott Dearden spotted two masked men outside the Wellington on Chew Valley Valley Road in the early hours of Monday, May 28.
CCTV footage shows the potential intruders circling the premises at around 4.30am.
“It was a neighbour who first saw the men get out of an Audi,” said Scott. “They appeared to be wearing ski masks or balaclavas.
“I saw them from an upstairs window of the pub and it looked as though hey were attempting to get in.
“I shouted at them to ‘clear off’ and they ran off and jumped into the Audi.”
Scott, who has been mine host at the Welly for more than three years, immediately called the police.
He also messaged other publicans to highlight the incident.
He added: “Fortunately, they didn’t get in but I’ve passed on what happened so everyone is aware.”
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