5 reasons to book a health check before you get sick

FOR many people with busy lives, seeing a medical professional when there is no obvious issue can seem like a waste of time and effort, especially with waiting lists being at an all-time high in the UK.

There is, of course, nothing more valuable than your health, and for many, not attending a health check can have quite severe consequences, even if you don’t feel unwell.

If it has been a while since you spoke to your GP, here are some reasons to book a health check today.

  1. Identifying Health Risks Early

Most people are aware of the dangers of drinking too much alcohol or smoking cigarettes. However, there are a lot of other health risks that may be acting like a ticking time bomb, which you may be unaware of.

For instance, having a lifestyle that involves sitting at a desk all day, with minimal exercise (under 5,000 steps per day), can increase the chances of diabetes and heart disease. If you already have a pre-existing health condition, you should be attending a health check up at least twice a year, to keep tabs on your health.

  1. Lifestyle Change Assessments

Have you recently started a new job, which requires you to be on your feet for hours on end? Or are you now trying a new diet, and you have concerns about how it is impacting your health?

Again, a check-up with a doctor or nurse can help to assess lifestyle factors, and how they may be impacting your health. There are also many tips that a doctor or nurse can give you on how best to manage these changes with health conditions, to ensure you stay in top shape for as long as possible.

  1. Genetic Risk Factors

As people are living for longer, more people are becoming concerned about degenreative conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, and other ailments that usually don’t present until after the age of 60. Thanks to health checks and genetic screening, doctors now have the option to help patients assess their genetic risk factors. They can also provide advice on symptoms to look out for, as well as how best to prevent illnesses for as long as possible, if applicable.

  1. Health Assessments

At a check-up, a doctor or nurse will also be able to spot conditions before you may experience any symptoms. For example, they may be able to hear an irregularity in your heart rhythm, which can point to a murmur or other issue. This will help to treat issues earlier, which will improve your management and prognosis.

  1. Up-to-date Research

Your GP or local nurse is likely to have access to the latest research and medical information to help you manage any issues that you may have, or you have a family history of. This will help to keep you informed about the latest research into medicine, as well as allow you to make choices about your health treatment options. This allows for greater patient autonomy and improved communication between healthcare providers and patients.

Investing in your health is a long-term investment that will help you to live your best life. So, book a check-up with your GP or other healthcare provider today!