Battle to keep the Big Lamp on Shaw’s landscape

THE FIGHT is on to save a Shaw ‘local landmark’ after a ‘monstrous scheme’ was proposed by Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) and Oldham Council.

Big Lamp Roundabout appears to be under threat after a multi-million scheme was drawn up to install a four-way junction.

Traffic lights, crossings and cycle lanes would be put in place where the famed structure – and a ‘Welcome to Shaw and Crompton’ rock – stands.

But after councillors for the area were consulted, the push to save it has begun.

Shaw and Crompton Town Council leader and Oldham borough Councillor Marc Hince – who puts the cost of the proposed scheme as between £3 million and £5 million – said: “This proposal will effectively see the removal of the Big Lamp roundabout and implementation of a four-way junction.

“All councillors present at the consultation, myself included, were extremely alarmed at this proposal – not only the disruption it will cause but the cost implications and also serious health and safety concerns.

“Also, and not of any less importance, is the destruction of a local landmark

“We think the scheme has serious negative health and safety risks as this will act as a speedy thoroughfare on to Crompton Way.

“The Big Lamp roundabout is a significant landmark as well as a perfectly effective traffic calming measure.

“We will not support such a monstrous scheme and have made our feelings perfectly clear.”

Big Lamp Roundabout, Shaw

The Big Lamp scheme, which was mentioned at a Bee Network Committee meeting of Greater Manchester Combined Authority in September 2023, is part of its City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS).

According to papers, Oldham Council developed the strategic outline business case as part of a larger scheme serving Beal Valley and Broadbent Moss.

They state: “This CRSTS package aims to provide supporting infrastructure which will ensure high quality sustainable transport links are in place to enable new residents and employees to travel by active travel and public transport for everyday journeys.

“The CRSTS package includes upgrading the ‘Big Lamp’ roundabout to a CYCLOPS junction and incorporation of bus priority and a segregated cycle link alongside Crompton Way linking into Shaw town centre.”

However, opposition to the Big Lamp scheme – which saw an extraordinary meeting of Shaw and Crompton Town Council called on Tuesday, January 14 – has crossed a political divide.

For the area’s Liberal Democrats have also flatly refused to support the scheme, saying they ‘are pledged to fight it tooth and nail.’

Borough and town Councillor Howard Sykes said: “Big Lamp Roundabout is such a prominent location and the entrance to Shaw and Crompton from Oldham and for Mayor Burnham’s Transport for Greater Manchester to even come up with a scheme of more than £3 million is eye watering and try to destroy such a focal and well-loved landmark it beggars belief along with a cycle path that lead to nowhere, either some cul-de-sac or Kershaw car park.”

Colleague on both authorities Louie Hamblett added: “I am getting a lot of complaints about how much the roads and footpaths are getting pulled up either by the council or by utility companies it seems you can hardly turn down a road without a temporary traffic light on them and this will only make things worse.

Councillor Diane Williamson, who again sits on both panels, commented: “During the meeting I ask the question who made this decision?

“Yet the officer who gave the response didn’t make sense or just couldn’t come back with a reasonable answer.

“I honestly cannot think how they cannot see how they can justify something like this and I really could not support it.”