Book treasure hunt helps put fun back into reading

A UNIQUE book treasure hunt across Saddleworth helped to put the fun back into reading for youngsters and their families.

Kendyl Moore, a local primary school teacher, came up with the initiative after reading that children’s levels of reading enjoyment are hitting new lows.

Kendyl Moore

So she set about bringing the fun back into reading by hiding more than 20 books around Saddleworth for children to find and enjoy with their families.

She explained: “I had recently read the National Literacy Trust’s report and was alarmed to find that children’s levels of reading enjoyment is currently at the lowest it has been since the reports started in 2005.

“As an educator, I truly believe that you cannot underestimate the power of reading and the benefits it has on a child’s education and future.

“Over the half term, I thought it would make a great and engaging way to encourage reading by hiding over 20 books around Saddleworth for children to go and find and enjoy with their families.

“I advertised the Treasure Hunt on social media and asked for parents to tag us in their pictures and these have been so lovely to see!

“I left a Dr Seuss quote with the books – ‘The more that you read, the more things you’ll know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go’.”

Kendyl also runs Connexus Tuition Saddleworth and Littleborough, offering maths and English tuition, based at the Rose and Crown Business Centre in Delph.

She teaches several groups of children at local schools or in home education to help them learn and build their confidence.

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