Community project days help spruce up Greenfield

VILLAGERS are invited to help spruce up the community on project days with Street Scene Greenfield Group.

Their canal clean-up days will continue throughout 2025, with the dates under discussion with Canal and River Trust. The first date has been confirmed as Saturday, January 11.

Volunteers help to clean and maintain the towpaths and surrounding areas, making them more attractive for locals and a haven for wildlife.

If you have not volunteered before and would like to be included on the mailing list for full details, contact Project Leader Gill McCulley on 07963 521195 or email

SSGG will also be continuing its community litter picks, with the first scheduled for Saturday, January 25.

The meeting spot will be opposite Boarshurst Band Club at 10am. Refreshments will be available afterwards.

Everyone is welcome but under 16s must be accompanied by an adult. All equipment will be provided.