THE GREEN Party has launched its disability pledge in Oldham.
The Greens are promising to scrap work capability assessments, provide free social care to those who need it and increase funding for supporting disabled people.
The Green Party is also launching its deaf manifesto, which includes pledges to recognise British Sign Language as an official language and improve education for deaf children and adults.
Baroness Jenny Jones, Green Party member of the House of Lords, attended the launch event at Royton and Crompton Golf Club.
She said: “The impact of austerity on disabled people has been dreadful. People with disabilities have suffered disproportionately from the bedroom tax and cuts in care funding.
“The Green Party is fighting back. We’re calling for the bedroom tax to be scrapped, for the Independent Living Fund to be reinstated and for the recognition of British Sign Language as an official language.”
Simeon Hart, Green Candidate for Oldham West and Royton, said: “Diversity is extremely important in politics as it is in life.
“The Green Disability Group and the Deaf Green Party have worked together to raise the issues affecting Disabled and Deaf people.
“We strongly believe in the need to work to improve the situation for the Deaf and Disabled people in the UK.
“Our Groups will jointly present our manifestos to show what we will do when elected to Parliament. We will work for the Common Good of all.”
The Green Party was delighted to hear from POINT at the launch.POINT is a local group of parents in Oldham which has been developing co production principles in its interaction with the local authority. This is exactly the approach which we would like to see more of and I am personally very excited about the possibility of learning from them in the future.
Greens have REAL commitment to fairness for anyone struggling with disability or ill health. Well done to all who put so much work into getting this publicised in time for the election.