Greenfield crossing opens in readiness for first day of new school

A  zebra crossing in Greenfield-the village’s first-has been installed on Chew Valley Road in readiness for the opening of the newly built Greenfield Primary School, Shaw Street on Tuesday, September 3.

School Safety Zones signs on Chew Valley Road and Greenbridge Lane have also been erected. The positioning of the zebra has caused concern to Saddleworth South ward councillors and some local residents.

However, Oldham Council traffic engineer Andy Marsh said: “Following the design process and highway safety considerations, the site advertised – Chew Valley Road, 10m south east of Greenbridge Road, is the preferred location for a zebra crossing.”

Pictures by Carl Royle


2 Replies to “Greenfield crossing opens in readiness for first day of new school”

  1. Could someone please explain how it is safe for children/children and parents to cross Greenbridge Lane to get to the crossing ? The side nearest to the crossing does not have a pavement so there is no alternative but to cross the busy Greenbridge Lane morning

  2. Perhaps they could install a bridge especially for special people like you. Either that or just look where you’re walking like everyone else. Anyone would think you’re asking kids to cross a motorway.

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