Locals invited to consultation on plans for 213 new homes in Springhead

FIND out more about plans to build 213 homes at the site of the former Springhead Quarry and adjacent land at a public consultation on Friday, July 12.

Millson Group is working with the Stonebreaks Group to submit an outline planning application for the development between Cooper Street and Stonebreaks Road.

The website for the Stonebreaks development describes it as “comprising homes for all – from elderly care to new starter affordable homes”.

It states the 213 houses would include apartments, mews homes and family homes and there would also be a 40-bed elderly care facility. It is also proposed to provide car parking for Springhead Congregational Church.

The proposal for 213 new homes by Stonebreaks Group

The community is invited to the consultation and exhibition event where they will be able to see further details of the proposals and speak to the design and development team.

The event will be held at Springhead Congregational Church on Friday, July 12 from 3pm-7pm and is open for anybody to drop in. 

Stonebreaks Group is inviting comments both on the day or through their website so they can consider all feedback.

However, the plans have been met with disappointment and anger by local residents after another development for 265 homes at nearby Knowls Lane was recently approved by Oldham Council planning committee at the second time of asking.

The leaflet delivered to local homes about the consultation event

One resident, who wishes to be unnamed, contacted the Independent after a letter about the Stonebreaks development was delivered to his home.

He said: “Having just had the massive disappointment at the granting of planning permission for Knowls Lane, look what has just dropped through my letterbox.

“This leaflet refers to a consultation on a proposal to build in Springhead Quarry and surrounding land up to Stonebreaks, which will directly affect where I live.

“Other than moving out of Springhead, as I think I now need to consider if this development goes ahead, I find ignoring the views of residents and Saddleworth Parish Council by OMBC as totally unacceptable.

“I am struggling to think what can be done to oppose this continuing threat from developers of filling almost every bit of green space we have.”

It is understood the Stonebreaks development proposals include building on OPOL land – as the Knowls Lane application did – as well areas covered by tree preservation orders. This will be clarified once the entire plans have been revealed.

Further information on the plans will be available online soon: https://www.stonebreaksdevelopment.co.uk

2 Replies to “Locals invited to consultation on plans for 213 new homes in Springhead”

  1. Man is very gready ,no thought has gone into where the influx of children will go to school nor Drs,springhead and knowsley school are already full to cupasity,traffic is also a big problem.what about the poor wildlife,when my husband was a boy he can remember hundreds and thousands of old tyers being dumped up on the tops near the cricket club, I’m sorry but England isn’t England anymore,we have lost our identity, where has our green and pleasant land gone ,my husband and myself appose the development 😠😠😠

  2. We have no spare room at the schools in the area the roads are a nightmare at school times and parking On zigzags on double yellows One day a child Get knocked down by a car the traffic on the a 62 is already heavy on the main road going from Lisa Uppermill . Why don’t The developers in the council put money into the estates in the nearby area tidy the area up but I don’t think they’ll do that because there is no money to be made .

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