A SADDLEWORTH councillor has called for Oldham Council to stop an ‘absolute waste of taxpayers’ money’ by lighting up its civic tower.
Research has found it costs the authority at least £1,600 each time the building in the town centre is cast in colour to either mark events or celebrate groups.
And Cllr Alicia Marland, the Liberal Democrat representative for Saddleworth West and Lees, believes that need to stop, now.
The Shadow Cabinet member for thriving communities and culture said: “Lighting up of the Council’s civic tower block costs over £1,600 each time and this is an absolute waste of taxpayers’ money.
“The most recent occasion earlier this month was to highlight the start of the Greater Manchester Police’s Operation Avro.
“While I fully support GMP’s work, it does not need the civic centre to be lit up for the occasion.
“In fact, in these times of financial hardship this Labour administration should be doing more to cut back and save money, not waste it on such frivolous things.
“Previously, the council’s leader, Cllr Arooj Shah, did promise that the tower wouldn’t be lit up again, but she has clearly forgotten this promise and gone back on her word.
“I can think of many better ways to spend that money and I’m certain residents would also agree”
Cllr Marland’s views were backed up by Liberal Democrat colleague Louie Hamblett.
He added: “I know through Oldham Pride that they were discouraged about lighting up due to costs and the last round of attention it caused.
“I do feel it should either be all or nothing approach.”
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