A SECOND person has been diagnosed with COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Oldham.
Oldham’s Director of Public Health Katrina Stephens confirmed the resident became infected while in Thailand and is currently self-isolating.
The first resident became infected while in Northern Italy.
Oldham Council is unable to comment further on the details of these particular cases due to the need to protect patient confidentiality.
Public Health England (PHE), Oldham Council and the local NHS are working closely together to effectively manage this case.
PHE is currently contacting people who may have had close contact with the confirmed case.
Close contacts will be given health advice about symptoms and emergency contact details to use if they become unwell in the 14 days after they had contact with the confirmed case. This tried and tested method will ensure that any risk to them is minimised and the wider public is protected.
Following the confirmation of the first case in Oldham, Saddleworth Medical Practice sent out an update to patients via text message.
It advised: “Do not book a GP appointment if you think you might have coronavirus. Stay at home and avoid close contact with other people.
“Use the 111 coronavirus service to see if you need medical help. Find out more at nhs.uk/coronavirus”
Based on current evidence, Coronavirus (COVID-19) presents with flu-like symptoms including a fever, a cough, or difficulty breathing. The current evidence is that most cases appear to be mild.
Oldham has robust infection control arrangements in place and strong partnership arrangements across the health and care system.
All partners are working closely together to prevent further spread of the virus.
Oldham Council will continue to work with Public Health England to share timely and relevant information with the public and our partners.
Anyone who is concerned about health symptoms is advised to follow the advice about what to do on the NHS website: www.nhs.uk/coronavirus
Has anyone in Saddleworth tested positive for the coronavirus?