CHANGES TO the way rubbish and recycling is collected across the borough have been approved by Oldham Council’s Cabinet.
From October 3, bin collections will switch from a two-weekly to a three-weekly cycle – with food and garden collections remaining weekly.
The changes aim to improve the borough’s recycling rate by 12 per cent and reduce the amount spent on general rubbish disposal by as much as £3 million over the next two years.
This new pattern will see grey bins for general rubbish collected one week; blue bins for paper and card the week after; and brown bins for glass, plastics and tins the following week.
Food and garden waste will still be collected on a weekly basis and this service will be rolled out to a small remaining number of rural properties that don’t currently have it.
The council is also providing residents with all of the recycling space they need for free Households that don’t currently have recycling bins or food caddies can order some and those with small recycling bins will be able to order larger ones.
Councillor Barbara Brownridge, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Co-operatives, said: “Due to government funding cuts over the last few years Oldham Council has had to change the way our frontline services work.
“These changes to our waste collection service are the latest but we are confident they will continue to provide value for money.
“Over the next few years we want to see to our recycling rates increase so we don’t have to pay huge financial penalties. By cutting disposal costs we’ll be helping to save council tax payers’ money, which can be used on other essential public services.”
Collection days will stay the same. For example, if a household’s bins are currently collected on a Monday this will continue after the change.
Information about the changes and a recycling guide will be delivered to all households during July. Bin collection calendars will be distributed to all residents in September.
A very small number of properties will be affected slightly differently – namely flats with communal bins and rural areas – and the council will communicate with these separately.
Details of the new service can also be found on the council website at or by calling 0161 770 6644.
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