Tony saves the day at the races

LOCAL runner Tony Muir has saved the Oldham 7k and Oldham 10k after they were axed by Oldham Community Leisure from the Milltown to Moors series.

The 35-year-old, a member of Oldham and Royton Harriers, says both races will be run exactly as they were by OCL.

Tony is also reviving two former iconic local races, the Tameside 10k and Saddleworth 6 that used to be popular on the local calendar.

He said: “From my conversations, many local runners were disappointed when they learned the Oldham 7k and Oldham 10k were not going ahead.

“That is why I decided to continue with them and everybody has been positive and supportive.

“I am sure there will be a good entry in both events that will follow the same routes.”

The Tameside 10k, last run in 2013, is to be revived as will be the Saddleworth 6 that was discontinued in 2015. It used to be organised by Oldham and Royton Harriers.

Tony, a sub three-hour marathon runner, will be running the events alongside his day job in the food industry.

The timetable is:

  • Sunday, May 6: Oldham 7k
  • Sunday, June 10: Oldham 10k
  • Sunday, August 12: Saddleworth 6
  • Sunday, September 23 (provisional): Tameside 10k

Entries can be booked at and further information is available from or 07483 283235.