A SOCIAL group for those with memory problems and their carers has proved so popular over the last year that it has doubled its sessions to cope with demand.

Saddleworth Carers now meet at the Sacred Heart Church Hall in Uppermill from 10am-12noon on the second and fourth Friday of each month.
The friendly sessions, which are free to attend, offer a different activity each time ranging from gentle exercise or gardening to speakers, and quizzes.
And the group is currently getting hands on to knit colourful ‘twiddlemuffs’, which provide sensory stimulation for people living with dementia.
Volunteer Joan Reed explained: “The Twiddlemuffs are going down really well and we’ve got an order for 12 from a care home, so we are busy making those.
“The group decides its programme for each year at the AGM so they choose what activities they want to do and they come up with a lot of interesting ideas.”
Saddleworth Carers also offers advice on entitlements for people living with dementia and their carers.
The group is run thanks to volunteers fundraising efforts, as well as donations, and is supported by Saddleworth Medical Practice Patients Participation Group and Oldham Social Services.
For more information please call Eamon O’Daly on 01457 810614 or Kath on 01484 845350.
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