Apartments plan next to Greenfield housing development

FOUR new apartments will be built on land next to a recent housing development in Greenfield if planning permission is granted.

Glossop-based Hangate Ltd has applied to Oldham Council to place a two-storey block off Moss Grove, which runs off Shaw Hall Bank Road and serves Saddleworth Rangers ARLFC and the adjacent water treatment works.

That would be widened if permission is granted and a new entrance/exit spur put in place.

Plans for apartments on land next to a new housing development have been submitted. Image by GGC Media

At the moment, the site is unused and documents supporting the application state: “The proposed development will allow the effective re-use of a currently under-utilised site to provide attractive, high-quality homes in a predominantly residential area outside the Green Belt.

“The development has the potential to provide for increased housing choice in Greenfield and the new population that would occupy the new homes would help to sustain the wide range of existing shops, services and public transport in the settlement.”

Six parking spaces would also be created as part of the development and concerns over trees and birds in the area have been addressed.

When it comes to trees, some are proposed to be removed and some are recommended for removal on arboricultural grounds, even though the goat willows are subject to an Area Tree Preservation Order

In total, 11 were surveyed, of which six ‘low value’ fell into retention category C’ and five retention category U.

Even though category C trees are technically protected, they are not considered to be worthy of post-development retention and would be better replaced by new ones.

However, it is recommended that no work takes place until an approved Works to Protected Trees application has been granted, or until planning permission has been granted which includes accurately specified tree works.

In terms of birds, a pre-construction site walkover no more than 24 hours prior to any vegetation removal or demolition will be undertaken.

If removal occurs outside of the breeding bird period and birds are found, it will end immediately, and an ecologist contacted.

Oldham Council’s planning committee will decide whether to grant or refuse planning permission.


One Reply to “Apartments plan next to Greenfield housing development”

  1. The local wildlife really loving the new luxury half mil housing estates, not like that pond and woodland was any use to them, cracking work lads!

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