ASPECT IT: Our top three tips to protect against spam emails

Aspect IT, based in Springhead, offers IT support, cloud services, website design, software development and more. Find out more online or call 0161 241 9050.

By Peter Dorotiak, Director at Aspect IT

SPAM emails are unsolicited messages, normally containing marketing or commercial content which you did not request. They can also contain malware or phishing links, which can be extremely dangerous.

Spam does not only waste many peoples time by having to delete irrelevant emails, but it also poses a significant threat to your business’s cyber security.

So how can people reduce and protect against spam emails? Here are our top three tips:

1. Be careful who you give your email address to. Spammers use tools to collect email addresses from the internet, in newsgroups, comments on web pages, and anywhere else you advertise your email address. Always be careful who you give your email address to and where you advertise it online. 

If you regularly sign up to newsletters, whitepapers, or you are active in online forums, then consider using a separate email address just for those activities. This is sometimes referred to as a ‘disposable or throwaway’ email address.

2. Never click on links or reply to spam emails. Spam emails are usually mass produced and are opportunistic in their nature. By clicking on a link, like a newsletter opt out, you could confirm to the spammer that your email address is valid, therefore receiving even more spam. Links can also be phishing attempts or contain malware. 

Be vigilant, never open an email or click on its links if you think the email is spam, just delete it.

3. Use a spam filter. Many email providers will provide a free junk or spam email filter. If you still receive a lot of spam emails, then consider purchasing additional spam filtering software or tools which can integrate with your email provider and give an additional level of protection.

If your business needs help reducing spam emails, then we can help. Our spam filtering service is extremely effective in reducing the amount of spam emails your employees receive, saving you time and money.  

Contact us today on 0161 241 9050 to find out more.

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