CCTV success on Uppermill High Street for Saddleworth police

THE BEADY eye of the law is helping to bring down crime in Uppermil thanks to CCTV on the high street, say local police.

PC Lee Cullen, from the Saddleworth Neighbourhood Policing Team, told a recent Saddleworth and Lees District Partnership about the positive impact of the technology.

Three cameras along the village High Street came into use in June ahead of the popular annual Whit Friday walks and band contests, which attract hundreds of people to the area.

And after being kept in operation since, police say the cameras have helped to reduce crime along the High Street, particularly during the village’s bustling night-time.

PC Cullen said: “The CCTV has been a massive plus for us on the High Street.

“We have seen a big difference in the crime figures in 2017 in comparison to pre ZeroZone and the CCTV being implemented. We haven’t had any serious assaults like we had before.

“There is an awareness now that people have when they come to Uppermill, especially in the night-time economy, that the cameras are there.

“Overall I feel we are getting on top of crime locally and the issues particularly around the night-time economy in Uppermill.”

The police are now pushing for another CCTV camera to be installed near The Granby and Saddleworth Museum Car Park.

PC Cullen explained: “We have had reports of drug dealing there out of cars in the car park so it’s a spot we need to target.”

The police are also looking for funding for five A-frames to promote ‘ZeroZone’, their zero tolerance approach to drugs and anti-social behaviour, particularly on Uppermill High Street.

One of their current A-frames has gone missing, and they want four more to spread their message further down the High Street.

Meanwhile, plans for Wednesday morning drop-in sessions for the public at Uppermill police station look to be turning into reality.

PC Cullen hopes the station will be a ‘community hub’ for the sessions when people can tell police about their concerns about crimes, or council related issues such as dog fouling.

He said: “It will be a focal point for people to come in and touch base with us.

“We hope to involve other partners as well and hold themed mornings, such as with NatWest bank or local groups.

“Some police officers who have retired have expressed an interest in being involved as volunteers so we’re looking at that.

“It is building momentum and hopefully in the next few months we’ll be able to get it set up and I think it can only be a positive step.”