A BRIGHT student from Greenfield has been awarded a £1,500 Excellence Scholarship from Bangor University as well as scooping a top subject prize from his former college.

Mark Barrow, a former pupil at Oldham Sixth Form College and Saddleworth School, received the scholarship from the university after achieving 3 As and a B in his A Levels.
He was one of just seven students in 2015 who received an unconditional offer and went on to achieve 3 A grades or above at A Level or equivalent and receive the scholarship.
Mark, who is studying History and Journalism and currently volunteers with the Saddleworth Independent, was presented with his scholarship at a glittering event last month.
He said “I feel very proud to have received this reward for the hard work I put in. I would like to thank Bangor University and OSFC for all their support which has helped me hugely with the transition from school to university.
“The money will help pay for the deposit on a house during my second year. Myself and a group of friends are currently viewing houses and emailing estate agents so this money will take the pressure off and I can focus on my course, which has been fantastic so far.”
The prizes don’t stop there for Mark as he has also been awarded the Media Studies Subject Prize by his former tutor Alistair Fordom.
The subject prize is given to the student who has made an exceptional contribution to their course during their time at OSFC.
Alistair had little hesitation with the nomination and said: “Mark was one of the most mature and committed students I have taught.
“His enthusiasm for the subject was infectious and he always contributed in a positive and productive manner. His attention to detail and thirst for further knowledge marked him out.”
Mark will attended the 2015 OSFC Celebration Evening in December along with every student who finished their programme of study last summer.
Special guests will attend including a keynote speech from former student Sanna Waseem who progressed from OSFC to read Medicine at Oxford and is a practising doctor in London.
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