Dovestone WI donations are boost for women across the community

HUNDREDS of items have been donated across the community by Dovestone WI as they decided to support local women with practical help this year rather than fundraising.

The campaign arm of the women’s group teamed up with women at Action Together Oldham and each month set a donation aim for a different local charity.

Lisa Carter said: “The most rewarding aspect has been helping, in a small way, a wide variety of local organisations and knowing we are supporting other women in difficult situations.

“Each time we drop off a donation, we learn about the vital work each charity is doing to help women, often unsung and unreported.

“We are very proud to support the Action Together network and hope to continue next year.

“In January we collected fabric for a new sewing group that Support and Action for Women’s Network (SAWN) were establishing and in February we collected a mountain of sanitary towels for Black Health Agency (BHA), supporting women in a refugee camp.

“In March we collected pamper products for UKEFF’s Eid celebration and in April it was items for SAWN’s cookery group.

“We collected craft items for St Barnabas Thrive’s crafting group in May and a set of candles and oils in June for Peaceful Minds’ meditation group.

“We had bags of children’s socks and underwear in July for Real Education Empowering Lives (REEL) CIC’s store which helps families in crisis and in August we collected stationery for Keeping our Girls Safe (KOGS) to gift to girls going back to school.

“September saw a successful call for woolly hats and scarves for the Salvation Army and our last three collections will be shared among four of the charities, as we collect Christmas items including toys, selection boxes and food hamper items.”

Members have also continued their monthly ‘waste not’ table, bringing in food, garden produce, plants or books for other members to take for a donation. The money is then spent on items for Mossley Food Bank for their regular deliveries.

Dovestone WI has provided almost £500 worth of food in the last six months and plans to continue this regular donation.

Last year, they enjoyed an inspirational talk from Naima bin Moussa, founder of Rebuilding Lives, and were able to raise £220 for the charity by holding a garden party afternoon tea this summer. The money will go towards the cost of repairing the homes of women who have escaped abusive relationships.

Members also wanted to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support and so at their Monday meet-up provided cakes which members could buy, raising £130.

Dovestone WI members have also been busy knitting hearts for the Tameside Mortuary department to give to families.

They are planning to join the National Federation of Women’s Institute’s White Ribbon campaign again this winter, following a very successful campaign last year.

They will be inviting local men’s groups and businesses which are predominantly male to pledge support for speaking out against violence against women.

  • Dovestone WI meet at The Royal George in greenfield on the last Wednesday of each month. Start time is 7.30pm and meetings last approximately 2 hours.

Meeting are free to members. Guests/visitors (£3 fee) are welcome twice before deciding upon membership. From 1st October, 2024-5 pro-rata membership for new members is £24.

Find out more about Dovestone WI, their events and fundraising on their website or Facebook page.

One Reply to “Dovestone WI donations are boost for women across the community”

  1. More PR for Action Together , who have an income of over £6 million including over £3 million from government grants, (for what,) who seem less and less keen to put their hands in their pockets for anything useful.

    “Charitable Expenditure,” can mean almost anything they want it to including a lot of stuff that many people wouldn’t regard as being charitable at all.

    Back when they used to Voluntary Action they were a lively, open, friendly and useful little undertaking, but since they converted to a CIO they seem to have been, “captured,” by the usual suspects and i don’t have much time for them personally.


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