Easter eggs around the world

By Phoebe Price

LET’S PLAY the word association game: ‘Easter’.

I’m sure I’m right that the initial thought of the majority of you was eggs? With Easter being celebrated in more than 100 countries worldwide, giving and receiving Easter eggs has become a popular tradition, and as we will see, they can come with a variety of appearances…

p22 easter egg (Myrabella)
Decorative easter egg (with thanks to Myrabella)

Where better to start than with the world’s largest Easter egg?  This colossal spectacle was created in March 2005 in the Belgian town of Sint Niklaas.

An incredible 1,200kg of chocolate later, the egg broke the world record and gained its place in the Easter egg hall of fame.  Let me put that in perspective: 1,200kg is about the equivalent of 31 Year 7 students.  I wonder which lucky being had the job of devouring that.

From one large Easter egg to a town full of them; Berlin’s Arkaden shopping mall celebrates Easter dinosaur-style with their giant, colourful eggs.

But they aren’t for eating – artists spend countless hours, days and weeks constructing these decorations which are carefully painted in the numerical progression of colours in the colour spectrum.

Easter is among the main religious holidays in Germany and with their statues reaching a mighty 4m in height they don’t keep it quiet.

When you think of Russian memorabilia, what’s the first thing you think of?  Wooden matryoshka dolls, of course.

But after the introduction of Easter celebrations in the late 10th century, glass eggs have proved to be an exquisite addition to the market.

The delicate design brimming with intricacy, combined with the elegant and extravagant aesthetics, manages to take away the breath of tourists and locals alike.

Closer to home, the UK is also competing for its place on the world Easter egg stage.

Taking egg decorating competitions to the next level, chocolatier La Maison de Chocolat, unveiled the most expensive Easter egg yet.

Smooth milk chocolate encrusted with over 100 0.5 carat diamonds – this egg really is a girl’s best friend. But with it priced at a hefty £50,000 would you keep it or eat it?