‘Exceptional outcomes’ for Oldham Sixth Form College students as exam results revealed

OLDHAM Sixth Form College students have achieved ‘exceptional outcomes’ in their exams this year despite challenges over the last few years.

Ninety-nine per cent of students have passed their A Level courses and more than 1,000 A* – B grades have been awarded.

This is higher than 2019, when exams were last sat, and 1.5 per cent higher than last year, when no exams took place.

There are some fantastic individual stories, including 10 Year 13 students who are off to study Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science, while two will commence their studies at Cambridge University, in Veterinary Science and Mathematics respectively, in October.

Students also received their vocational course results and despite extended lockdowns and social distancing they too have thrived and received excellent grades.

And all 16 students in the first cohort have successfully achieved their T Level qualifications and the majority are progressing to university.

Suzannah Reeves, Associate Principal of Oldham Sixth Form College, said: “We are delighted for our students. They have achieved exceptional outcomes despite very challenging circumstances over the last two years and we are very proud of them.

“As always there has been much discussion about A Level grades on results day, and the expectation this year that grades would fall. We are delighted to say that at Oldham Sixth Form College this has not been the case.

“We worked tirelessly to minimise the disruptions caused by Covid. In keeping with our status as a Research School, staff embraced the new teaching opportunities that remote learning demanded and although this year’s cohort hadn’t experienced formal exams since their Year 6 SATs, our intention was always that they would not be disadvantaged.

“We refined our approach as one of the Department for Education’s Edtech Demonstrator colleges and are now an accredited Google Reference School.

“Looking ahead we will continue to support our new students in innovative ways, for example by providing all students with a device from September, and we will continue to transform the lives of our young people.”