Have a Mad Hatters ball with the Saddleworth WI

BE beguiled and entertained by the Queen of Hearts, The White Rabbit, Alice and of course the Mad Hatter at Saddleworth Women’s Institute holds a Ball next month.

The Mad Hatters’ Ball will be held on Saturday, November 25 at Saddleworth Hotel in Delph, from 7.15pm.

Take a trip down the rabbit hole for an evening of eating, drinking, dancing, laughing and perhaps a little more drinking – or it is off with your head! Everyone welcome.

Tickets cost £40 for this fundraising event for the WI’s three chosen charities for this year: Saddleworth Rangers, Homestart, and Oldham Support for Carers of Autism.

Price includes a welcome ‘drink me’ potion and sumptuous three course meal.

Black tie or fancy dress – with a prize for the best fancy dress.

For tickets call: 07743 705738 or 07985 938868.

Saddleworth WI meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 8pm at Saddleworth Hotel. New members and guests are always welcome.

They run a host of subgroups including day trips, food and drink, theatre trips, book club, singing group and more.

For further information on their monthly speakers, events, activities and subgroups go on their website www.saddleworthwi.com or Facebook page.