Have your say: plans for double yellow lines near traffic pinch point in Greenfield

PROPOSALS to ease a traffic pinch point in Greenfield are out for public consultation.

Oldham Council is considering introducing double yellow lines on either side of the Grade II listed packhorse bridge at Ladhill Lane and Oakview Road.

Locals have highlighted concerns of vehicles regularly parking close to the bridge, situated near Greenfield cricket club, making it difficult for other traffic approaching the Chew Brook crossing point.

The bridge on Ladhill Lane, Greenfield | Photo by Gemma Carter

Now residents have until March 21 to put forward objections or representations.

If the traffic regulation order is implemented, waiting at all times on Ladhill Lane will be prohibited on the south side from the bridge for 16m easterly and north side from the bridge for 8m easterly.

Additionally, there will be no waiting on Oak View Road, south side from the bridge for 16m westerly and on north side from the bridge for 17m westerly.

The proposal for the traffic regulation order

Full details of the proposal are in the draft Order, which, together with a map and a statement of the Council’s reasons for proposing to make the Order may be examined between 8.40am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday at Oldham Council civic reception or by phoning 0161 770 4836. The reference is: LJM/20568.

Any viewpoints should be sent to the Environment Group Solicitor at OMBC, Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1UL in writing, stating the title of the Order to which they relate and the grounds for making them.

Any objections or representations will be made available for public inspection.

7 Replies to “Have your say: plans for double yellow lines near traffic pinch point in Greenfield”

    1. It’s a historic bridge. But I’m surprised Oldham Council have not destroyed it already in their incompetence. They are only bothered about saving trees.

    2. I believe it’s a listed structure so there are limitations on what can be done.

      I don’t think the crossing of the bridge is the issue. It is as people say the parking around it.

  1. This is a grade 2 listed Packhorse bridge built in the 1800s and should be protected as such.
    It was never originally designed to carry motor vehicles.
    Due its narrow design for horses and carts, it has, as more motor vehicles use it, caused quite a few petty disputes between motorists ( as to who got there first) .
    It was recently shut, the calm was obvious, but now reopened.
    As to cost,,, if it was used only for pedestrians, bikes , horses a simple bollard either end would suffice.
    This would be far cheaper than painting yellow lines, the required accompanying signs and paying someone to monitor them.
    Also there is no doubt the cost of extra maintenance and associated safety checks to be made to this ancient structure to keep it open to motorists.
    Emergency vehicles such as Fire and Ambulance are unable to cross it due to their size.
    To get to the same point from Chew Valley Road to Oak View Road would mean an extra 3 or 4 minutes driving to cover the additional 0.9 mile via the Clarence Pub.
    I do not live near the bridge but feel that those who do may appreciate not having to have the ‘rat run’ of traffic passing by.
    The above may ‘ruffle some feathers’ , apologies to chickens etc, out there.
    It’s just an opinion.

  2. Where do the residents of Primrose Bank park , bearing in mind that limited space available.

  3. Pedestrianise it and make all those lazy cut through drivers take the main road, it would effectively made two lovely culdesacs and cost nowt.

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