Mahdlo to celebrate fourth birthday in style with week of events

MAHDLO YOUTH Zone is celebrating its fourth birthday this month in style with a host of fun events.

The celebrations start on Tuesday, March 15 with a ‘Love Oldham Love Mahdlo community carnival’ from 6.30-9.30pm including live circus acts, music and a fire show.

L-R Claire Crossfield (Mahdlo), Katie Hodson (Team Spirit), Sarah Mitchell (Team Spirit), Roxy Kennedy (Mahdlo), Laura Derbyshire (Team Spirit)

You can also watch the brave fundraising firewalkers step out on to hot coals at the Egerton Street centre, or even take part yourself. Fun for all the family, all welcome, 50p entry.

Then on Thursday, March 17 there will be a Junior Zone carnival birthday party from 6.30-9pm followed on Saturday, March 19 by a Girls Zone birthday party from 1.30pm-4.30pm.

The centre is closed on Saturday evening as it hosts their Staff Awards ceremony to recognise the hard work of staff and mentors who work with young people across the borough.

And the night is sure to be special and memorable as, thanks to Greenfield-based events management company Team Spirit, it will have a Hollywood Glitz and Glam theme.

Claire Crossfield, Mahdlo’s Development Manager, explained: “When we started planning our birthday celebrations and the awards events, we wanted to make it that extra bit special.

“So we put the call in to Team Spirit as they also support our Winter Ball theme each November.

“We weren’t expecting what they came up with and can’t believe they are bringing Hollywood to Oldham!

“We are all really excited about the awards and seeing our members and their parents and carers dressed to impress.

“We’d like to thank Team Spirit for helping us to make these celebrations truly special – it’s a wonderful way to show support for the young people of Oldham.”

Family event flyerKatie Hodson, Senior Event Manager at Team Spirit, added: “Team Spirit are extremely proud to be supporting Mahdlo for these events.

“Our Hollywood theming will bring some well-deserved glitz and glamour to the sports hall. This is such an appropriate theme as the team and young people at Mahdlo are real super stars!”

The celebration week will be rounded off on Sunday, March 20 with a Family carnival party from 10am-1pm, including the A Level Playing Field (ALPF) Awards

The awards celebrate the achievements of Mahdlo members with additional needs or disabilities who have been taking part in a range of inclusive sports and creative activities.

There will be parties and cake throughout the birthday week of March 14-20 March in regular sessions.

Mahdlo Youth Zone offers activities and opportunities for 8-21 year olds and is open 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year, with access for just 50p as a member.

For more information about the centre and their birthday events, visit their website.