Pay (more) and display! New parking fees for reservoir?

MOTORISTS parking at Dovestone Reservoir contributed more than £85,000 to Oldham Council coffers in the last financial year.

That figure will now rise considerably if local authority proposals to increase charges at the scenic Saddleworth site come into force.

Currently, it only costs 60p for a stay of up to three hours and just £1.30 for all day.

Under the new proposals the cheapest rate will be £1 for a stay of up to two hours, £2 between two and four hours and £4 for more than four hours.

Rates at Binn Green car park off Holmfirth Road will remain unchanged.

Saddleworth councillors are keen for the extra revenue to be spent on specific parish projects as well as maintaining public toilet facilities at the two locations. But those wishes will be dashed because of traffic rules.

OMBC confirmed to the Independent: “The pay and display income received from Dovestone car park in financial year 2019/2020 was £71,418.00. Penalty Charge Notice income for the same period was £14,836.00.

“The income obtained from parking and penalty charge payments (whether from on or off street enforcement) must only be used under section 55 (as amended) of the Road Traffic Act 1984.

“In the event any local authority makes any surplus from its parking charges and enforcement activities, the surplus must comply with section 55 of the above Act.

“This means it must be used for repairs and maintenance of the car parks and equipment, with any surplus being reinvested into transport infrastructure.”

The Dovestone site can only accommodate 150 vehicles with a smaller number at Binn Green.

The recent introduction of double yellow lines on Holmfirth Road and several side roads plus existing lines on Bank Lane has severely restricted the free parking areas.

Anyone with objections or representations to do with the new order have until July 20 to contact the Borough Council via the Environment Group Solicitor, Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1UL in writing, stating the title of the Order.

6 Replies to “Pay (more) and display! New parking fees for reservoir?”

  1. I recently visited the RSPB waterpark at St Aidan’s, near Leeds. Parking was one price – £4 for the day. Good value, I’d say, but even so many people decided to park on the main road outside the park entrance, of course! Rather mean, I thought!

  2. I don’t object to the increase in parking charges but it is time OMBC started introducing contactless card payment and payment by mobile phone.

  3. Hope they open the toilets at Binn Green and clean them up as well.. I would pay 5 for the day if they had proper toilets or even a pay toilet .

  4. I spent many summers in my youth visiting the area and have some fantastic memories. I wish to return to hill walking again but last time I arrived we had to turn around and leave. The queue for parking was horrendous it was literally one in one out. Many of the visitors of whom just loitered in the car park smoking and playing music while sitting on the verge. I would happily pay a premium for parking if it bagged me a space so I can enjoy the walking.

  5. Think this will just make parking on the roads around the area much worse. We have had people parking up Friezland Lane in really stupid places, blocking the roads on lots of occasions. So while I dont really care about the rise in parking fees. Think about the knock on effect this will have.

  6. Not only is this a 208% increase on the previous charge, but the 4 hours free time from 8pm to 12am has also been stripped from visitors. Quite frankly, it’s outrageous!! OMBC & it’s Labour councillors can offer any reason they wish for the increases, as they invariably do, but it is nothing more than selfish greed! I will not visit in my car again.

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