A UNIQUE initiative to teach women the basics of DIY is being run at Springhead Community Centre this month – and there are just a few places remaining.
Places on the ‘She Sheds’ course, run in conjunction with Age UK, have been snapped up, with the eight-week course starting on Wednesday, April 13.
The course will help women learn the basics of DIY, including stopping a tap dripping, using tools and making such items as bird boxes and carrying out various gardening projects.
It will be run by a member of Age UK weekly on Wednesday afternoons from 1pm—4pm at Springhead Community Centre, Ashes Lane, Springhead, OL4 4PF. The cost is £3 per session including refreshments.
The course is based on the idea of Men in Sheds based in Greenfield, which aims to keep older men active and involved in community to improve their health and wellbeing.
To book a place contact Barbara Beeley on 0161 652 0930 or email babs@alfonso.demon.co.uk
Men in Sheds meet on Thursdays and Fridays from 9am-4pm. If you or someone you know would like to take part in our Men in Sheds project, contact Dave Freear: 0161 682 4747.