Poppies displayed across villages thanks to ward councillors

BRIGHT red poppies are a poignant public tribute across Saddleworth villages ahead of Remembrance Day thanks to ward councillors.

Cllrs Pam Byrne, Jamie Curley, Graham Sheldon, Max Woodvine and Luke Lancaster, who all sit on Oldham Council and Saddleworth Parish Council, organised the displays in their Saddleworth South and North wards.

Cllrs Luke Lancaster, Graham Sheldon, Max Woodvine and Pam Byrne with some of the poppies

Collectively they spent £450 from their ward budgets for the poppies which have been fastened onto lampposts in the area.

Cllr Lancaster explained: “This £450 contribution to the Royal British Legion sourced 45 poppies, and these are now on display across all villages in the Saddleworth North and South wards.

“With restrictions in place this time twelve months ago, Remembrance was unfortunately quite muted, but we were determined to make up for it this year, particularly with it coinciding with the centenary of the Royal British Legion.

“With these public poppies, we wanted to show that Saddleworth remembers and appreciates the sacrifices of the fallen.”

2 Replies to “Poppies displayed across villages thanks to ward councillors”

  1. Another day another photo op for a good cause. This isnt the work of a Councillor. Do they think doing this negates the need to do any actual work. I guess they all havd 2ns jobs like their Tory MP’s.

    1. Could not agree more. This group seem determined to grab a photo opp at every opportunity but very rarely is it making the lot of the residents any better. Just a big PR drive by the party of sleeze.
      £450 of our money spent so they can have a nice picture taken. If it meant that much they could have paid the £450 towards the energy bill of a few veterans this winter and skipped having a gurning picture in a local rag.

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