Saddleworth School pupils share anti-bullying plans at national event

TWO CARING Saddleworth School pupils are helping to beat the bullies after being invited to be part of a select national anti-bullying group.

Year Eight students Libby Collard and Emily Brierley, who are anti-bullying ambassadors for the school, made a trip to London to take part in the special event.

They were joined by pupils from five other schools across the country to share their anti-bullying techniques with Department for Education minister Nick Gibb.

CARING: Libby (left) and Emily on their trip to London
CARING: Libby (left) and Emily on their trip to London

And they also put their questions to the MP, suggesting funding should be given to schools to tackle bullying and asking about the Conservatives’ plans on the issue.

Emily: “We really enjoyed the event. It was interesting to speak to the others and learn from their ideas. There were some very inspiring people there.

“Pupils might not want to speak to teachers about being bullied but they can come to someone their own age, like us as anti-bullying ambassadors.

“If we instil principles at a younger age, then it will help to reduce the number of people who are bullies or bullied.”

Libby first got in touch with CBBC Newsround last year with some top tips for people being bullied and was invited to a meeting with Mr Gibb and to be on the committee.

She said: “A lot of people come to Year Seven and do not know much about bullying or how to address it.

“We’re doing an assembly in primary schools to teach young people about it and what to do.”

The pair, who proudly wear anti-bullying badges on their school blazers, are now working with the Diana Award to further raise awareness about bullying.

The trust, founded as a legacy to Diana, Princess of Wales, in 1991, helps young people contribute to their communities and make a difference in the lives of others.

The girls also featured in First News – a national newspaper for young people – to promote their work.

And they have more plans including anti-bullying weeks and assemblies at Saddleworth School and locally, as well as going to other conferences and events,